Capture Card Database Entries

If you need to add or move capture cards, in order to set them up using a rational organization scheme (instead of the last added scheme that MythTV uses), these database entries may come in useful. Here we list the results of a database dump for various types of capture cards:

                           AverMedia A180           pcHDTV 5500
  cardid                   <x>                      <x>
  videodevice              /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0 (adapter1 for 2nd dev,
                             frontend1 for 2nd encoder, etc.)
  audiodevice              NULL                     NULL
  vbidevice                NULL                     NULL
  cardtype                 DVB                      DVB
  defaultinput             DVBInput                 DVBInput
  audioratelimit           NULL                     NULL
  hostname                 <hostname>               <hostname>
  dvb_swfilter             0                        0
  dvb_sat_type             0                        0
  dvb_wait_for_seqstart    1                        1
  skipbtaudio              0                        0
  dvb_on_demand            1                        1
  dvb_diseqc_type          NULL                     NULL
  firewire_speed           0                        0
  firewire_model           NULL                     NULL
  firewire_connection      0                        0
  signal_timeout           3000                     3000
  channel_timeout          5500                     5500
  dvb_tuning_delay         0                        0
  contrast                 0                        0
  brightness               0                        0
  colour                   0                        0
  hue                      0                        0
  diseqcid                 0                        0
  dvb_eitscan              <1|0> (set to 1 for EIT scan wanted on this dev)
  cardid                   <x>
  videodevice              /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0 (adapter1 for 2nd
                             dev -- card appears as two devices)
  audiodevice              NULL
  vbidevice                NULL
  cardtype                 DVB
  defaultinput             DVBInput
  audioratelimit           NULL
  hostname                 <hostname>
  dvb_swfilter             0
  dvb_sat_type             0
  dvb_wait_for_seqstart    1
  skipbtaudio              0
  dvb_on_demand            1
  dvb_diseqc_type          NULL
  firewire_speed           0
  firewire_model           NULL
  firewire_connection      0
  signal_timeout           3000
  channel_timeout          3000
  dvb_tuning_delay         0
  contrast                 0
  brightness               0
  colour                   0
  hue                      0
  diseqcid                 0
  dvb_eitscan              <1|0> (set to 1 for EIT scan wanted on this dev;
                             we usually only do the scan on the 2nd adapter)
  cardid                   <x>
  videodevice              /dev/video0 (video1 for 2nd dev, etc.)
  audiodevice              NULL
  vbidevice                NULL
  cardtype                 MPEG
  defaultinput             Tuner 1
  audioratelimit           NULL
  hostname                 <hostname>
  dvb_swfilter             0
  dvb_sat_type             0
  dvb_wait_for_seqstart    1
  skipbtaudio              0
  dvb_on_demand            0
  dvb_diseqc_type          NULL
  firewire_speed           0
  firewire_model           NULL
  firewire_connection      0
  signal_timeout           1000
  channel_timeout          3000
  dvb_tuning_delay         0
  contrast                 0
  brightness               0
  colour                   0
  hue                      0
  diseqcid                 0
  dvb_eitscan              1 (don't ask why, it just is)
  cardid                   <x>
  videodevice     (-0.1, -0.2, -0.3)
  audiodevice              NULL
  vbidevice                NULL
  cardtype                 CETON
  defaultinput             Television
  audioratelimit           NULL
  hostname                 <hostname>
  dvb_swfilter             0
  dvb_sat_type             0
  dvb_wait_for_seqstart    1
  skipbtaudio              0
  dvb_on_demand            0
  dvb_diseqc_type          NULL
  firewire_speed           0
  firewire_model           NULL
  firewire_connection      0
  signal_timeout           1000
  channel_timeout          3000
  dvb_tuning_delay         0
  contrast                 0
  brightness               0
  colour                   0
  hue                      0
  diseqcid                 0
  dvb_eitscan              1 (don't ask why, it just is)