Initialization Changes

On RedHat 8.x and above, there is a Gnome UI that effects initialization changes, under "Server Settings"/"Services". This can be used to install and remove services, much like the way chkconfig works.


Links in these directories are numbered. At system initialization, when the system reaches the run level that matches the number in the directory name (e.g. /etc/rc.d/rc2.d is run level 2), the directory is scanned and each of the links found in it is run in ascending order to start up the system services.

The links are soft links and are added with the "ln" command. For example, to add a link for the packetfilter at run level 3, do:

     ln -s ../init.d/packetfilter /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S09packetfilter


After K90network, add these links:

     K91packetfilter  -->  ../init.d/packetfilter
     K92ipchains      -->  ../init.d/ipchains


After K90network, add these links:

     K91packetfilter  -->  ../init.d/packetfilter
     K92ipchains      -->  ../init.d/ipchains


Before S10network, add this link:

     S08ipchains      -->  ../init.d/ipchains


After S05kudzu and before S10network, add the following links:

     S08ipchains      -->  ../init.d/ipchains
     S09antispoofing  -->  ../init.d/antispoofing
     S09packetfilter  -->  ../init.d/packetfilter

After S10network, add this link:

     S11dialdaemon    -->  ../init.d/dialdaemon


Before S10network, add this link:

     S08ipchains      -->  ../init.d/ipchains


Before S10network, add this link:

     S08ipchains      -->  ../init.d/ipchains


After K90network, add these links:

     K91packetfilter  -->  ../init.d/packetfilter
     K92ipchains      -->  ../init.d/ipchains


For those startup scripts that are properly defined, you can use chkconfig to add their symbolic links to the appropriate places in the rc.d directory structure. See "man chkconfig" for more info. In general, do the following:

     chkconfig --add startscript
     chkconfig startscript on