Resetting MySQL's Root Password

If you ever forget the root password, you can reset it with this sequence of commands:

     cd /etc/init.d
     ./mysql stop
     mv mysql mysql.orig
     cp mysql.orig mysql
     emacs mysql

Change the line in the startup section that reads:

     /usr/bin/mysqld_safe ...

To read:

     /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables ...

Save the file, exit the editor, and restart the mysql server:

     ./mysql start

Run the MySQL client from the command prompt:


Issue the following statements in the mysql client. Replace the MyNewPass with the password that you want to use:

     update mysql.user set Password=password('MyNewPass') where User='root';
     flush privileges;

Stop the mysql server and restore the original startup script:

     ./mysql stop
     rm -f mysql
     mv mysql.orig mysql

Restart the mysql server:

     ./mysql start

You should now be able to login to mysql using the root password:

     /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -uroot -pMyNewPass